Over years of practice I have observed the pain and suffering of my colitis patients who are on conventional medical therapy. High dosages of immuno-suppressants, such as prednisone and like products, are commonly given, resulting in effects ranging from serious to life-threatening. This only suppresses the symptoms temporarily. Disease typically later manifests again, with even more severe and bothersome symptoms.

“I was very impressed with David’s Natural Hygiene approach to healing ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, outlined in his book Self Healing Colitis & Crohn’s. Healthy since 1984 after a severe 8-year bout with ulcerative colitis, he himself is living proof that his program works. I support his approach one hundred percent and believe it is the only way of healing colitis and almost all other health problems, and, therefore, I recommend it to every one of my clients. The results are always good because the diet is our natural biological diet, is nontoxic, nutritionally superior, satisfying, and since only the body’s own wisdom can heal itself, the Natural Hygiene approach makes perfect sense.”